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Steyr StG 77, aka the AUG
Steyr AUG 40th Anniversary - A Modern Classic StG77
Pre-Ban AUG 902SA (StG.77) for AUGust!
Steyr AUG STG-77
The Steyr STG77 aka AUG A1!!
The AUG - A Bullpup I Don’t Hate?
The Steyr STG.77 40th Anniversary Austrian AUG A1 Bullpup
Steyr STG 77 aka the AUG (lego edition)
Top 10 Combat Rifles: No.7 Steyr Aug (Stg77)
Steyr AUG with StG 77 Scope
Steyr AUG
Bama shoots the Steyr AUG full auto